New Bedding

Don't you?
I live to bother my older brother Chatham!
Don't you?
This is a repeat call-out, copy-catted from my brother Chatham:
Poor DaisyMae Maus thinks that no one is stopping by her blog because there aren't any comments . . . but she's got the "comment moderation" is on, so she has to approve of comments before they appear. Poor DaisyMae! If you read this, please contact Beau's mom and she can help you!
The Best of the . . .
1) Chick & Mommy Blogs
2) Humor & Satire Blogs
3) Milblogs and Military Support Blogs
4) Random Blogs That Don't Fit a Category
5) Kitty Kat Blogs (And Other Assorted Pets)
Nominations will be taken July 20 through July 23; voting July 24 - 27; Winners announced on July 28.
So get over and nominate your favorite kitties!
And if you really must, a dog or a bunny.